
Tak Kwan Lo

Software Engineer

Hardworking and passionate job seeker with strong organizational skills eager to secure entry-level Software Engineering position. Ready to help team achieve company goals.

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Trial11 is a National Park app that aims to provide users a cleaner introduction of U.S. On homepage, there will be parks shown by image blocks. Hover over them to see a introduction to park. You can click on them to navigate to its appropriate details page. This page has a animated looping image slideshow on the left. On the right, there is the description. Build with PERN stack, and Material UI with National Park API. Font Awesome library is also used for icons. As Material UI is used for only pagination table. Rest of the styling are build with plain CSS and Javascript.

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Forum is a app build for user posting and commenting text. It is built with MERN stack and deployed on Heroku. Styling is done with plain css anad javascript.

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A classic snake game build with plain HTML, CSS, and Javascript. In addition to building the game, I added actual images. These include the snake head image, body turning image, apple image and background image.

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